Thursday, October 29, 2009


What a week!  Noah started running a low grade temp on Sunday so when he woke up Monday morning complaining of a headache and tummy ache, it was off to the doctor.  What a mess it was there!! We went to the morning sick drop in and let me tell you it was BUUUSYY!  I was sort of upset that they didn't give Noah a very complete exam but I guess they had a bunch of kid to push through.  After looking at him for about 20 seconds, I was informed that he had the flu or "a flu type illness".  (Thanks doc, here's your 100 bucks!)  Thus starts a week filled with 104 temps, coughs, chills, gator aid, chocolate pudding, jello, and Motrin!  (and some of that, I shared with Noah :P )  I disinfectant sprayed everything that would sit still and chased the things that wouldn't and prayed that no one else would get it.  Well, just as you might have guessed, Caleb woke up yesterday with a fever!  HERE WE GO AGAIN!  Fortunately, Caleb doesn't really seem sick.  He had a very low grade temp all day but woke up this morning with nothing.  WOOHOO!! Not sure what was up yesterday but I can officially say that for at least 2 hours, the Marshall's are fever free!! 

1 comment:

Joy for the Seasons said...

I do so hope the sickies have left the building and do not return! :o)